我製作一個教具箱,裡面是教人「如何製作一件裝置作品」,教具箱內的教材包括一把鐵錘、鋼釘、水平儀及各式測量工具以及一張說明書 。透過書明書與教材搭配使用,學習者將開始學會如何思考空間與製作裝置作品— 儘管,它外表看起來仍然像個還在等待作品的空間。
I create a teaching aids box called "how to make Installation art “ , which includes a hammer, nails, a gradient, a tape measure and instructions.Through the actual operation ( the only risk is that it might be too tedious to give a try) , the elements begin to turn into an installation as the teaching box said. While the other side, it might looks like an empty space lack of artwork but measurement devices.